The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing and the Paris Attacks

Since first hearing of yesterday’s tragic terrorist attacks in Paris that left 129 people dead, I have been filled with senses of sorrow and unease.  My feelings of sorrow lie with both the families of the dead and with the French people as a nation.  France and the United States are historic allies, and our main points of disagreement during the present century have arisen due to the United States’ violent and pre-emptive foreign policies.  The French and American people, both victims to oppressive central governments, breathe the same air, have similar desires, and wish to do well towards their fellow man.  These humanitarian desires have extended towards Middle Eastern refugees, mostly Syrian, seeking asylum from the barbaric forces of the Islamic State (ISIS).  European nations have become overrun with refugees.  Most of the refugees are innocent people, simply attempting to survive.  Per contra, other asylum seekers have sinister intentions.


Governments accepting of refugees had been warned that a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” would emerge.   Such warnings were dismissed by many citizens as “insensitive,” “intolerant,” and “racist.”   This video, “With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations,” was recently made; it faced such criticism.

The individuals and groups featured in this video are certainly not representative of all refugees or Muslims.  To apply the term “wolf” to each refugee may, in fact, be insensitive, intolerant, and (possibly) racist; however, expressing legitimate concerns that ISIS terrorists or other Islamic extremists would blend in with the innocent is not.  The wolf has arrived in Europe’s peaceful pastures.  Early reports have identified at least one of the attackers at Bataclan Concert Hall was a Syrian refugee seeking asylum in Greece.  This attack should come as no surprise due to France’s continued airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria, which began in September 2015.

In the coming days, people across the world will continue to ask what can be done about the rising caliphate in Iraq and Syria.  Furthermore, they will ask what they can do about the caliphate spreading (and eventually overtaking) Europe.  Candidates for the US presidency will certainly propose answers, most of which will involve increased military intervention.  In France, nationalist leader Marine Le Pen as called for the annihilation of Islamic extremists and demanded that the nation regain control of its borders. Apparently, France’s socialist president Francoise Hollande concurred, as he immediately closed the country’s borders following the attack.

I neither know the solution to Europe’s refugee crisis nor the path to defeating the Islamic State.  What I do know is that the West toppled key Middle Eastern states, thus allowing the creation of ISIS; ISIS has declared war on the West, and the West has responded.  While not a pacifist, I only agree with war in the direst of situations. I do not consider any of the situations that have arisen in the Middle East in the last 30 years to be “dire.”  Thus, my first piece of advice is to refrain from the needless meddling in the affairs of other nations.  Additionally, it is unadvisable to meddle in problems that have been raging for centuries, like the ones between Shia and Sunni Islam.  Those notions have been popular in the United States since the 1980s.  Second, I would recommend, if at war, not to risk allowing any enemy forces to breach the borders your nation. No exceptions.  Not even for humanitarian reasons.  Not even if such a decision might hurt someone’s feelings.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions  The socialistic breakdown of a nation’s sovereign borders creates situations that are truly offensive, quite graphic, and look something like this footage obtained from LiveLeak.

The events in Paris on November 13, 2015, hurt a lot of people’s feelings.   In this case, the feelings of those directly impacted may be damaged for life.  For 129 of those people, there is no more life – at least not in this world.  May God have mercy.  As we send our prayers and thoughts to the people of France, we must learn from their tragedy by sending a clear messages to government servants: No more meddling.  No more police actions.  No more bleeding hearts.  No more wolves in our pastures.

Your Obt. Svnt.,

Ichabod Ω

One comment on “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing and the Paris Attacks

  1. […] the European Union has allowed itself to become flooded with refugees.  As I stated in a previous post, the majority of the refugees do not have ill intentions.  Some of them do, but Obama being […]


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