San Bernardino: Another Excuse to Deny Liberty

Another terrible tragedy has struck the United States.  While the true motives of Sayed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, are unknown, 14 people are dead.  Were they ISIS terrorists?   Disgruntled employees?  I don’t know.  What I do know is that they have struck fear into the hearts of millions of Americans, Your Obedient Servant not included.  I refuse to live in fear.  Fear is what people like Farook and Malik wanted. They also despise the rights that we share as humans – and the liberties we possess as Americans.

An increasing amount of Americans have turned to demanding the loss of liberty to provide a false sense of security.  Benjamin Franklin said:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Dr. Ron Paul, in his 3 December edition of The Ron Paul Liberty Report weighed in on this inappropriate reaction.


While most mainstream media has touted that the firearms used in the San Bernardino massacre were purchased legally (in a state with strict gun control laws), the Wall Street Journal has noted an important caveat: the weapons were illegally modified.  Of course, to anyone who is able to think clearly, this means that terrorists and other criminals will continue to circumvent the law to do evil.

See: Rifles Used in San Bernardino Shooting Illegal Under State Law

Surrendering liberty for security is a victory for terrorists.  Living in fear is a victory for terrorists.  They are also victories for any totalitarian politician who wishes to subjugate you.


Your Obt. Svnt.,

Ichabod Ω

American Gun Culture Is Literally Killing Us: A Reading List


Source: American Gun Culture Is Literally Killing Us: A Reading List


This is yet another example of a writer, who knows nothing about firearms or our natural right to self-defense.  She lives in fear of what she does not understand.

Growing up, my greatest fear was dying in a school shooting. I still remember: Two boys in black walking into my classroom, one of them holding a stapler at a right angle. I saw the matte black. My mind read: gun. I panicked. I grabbed the arm of the student next to me. “What?” he asked, startled. I started shaking and laughing and breathing and sweating. The boys were only stopping in to see if my math teacher had any extra staples. They were not there to kill us, me first in the front row.

Sorry, kiddo.  We don’t lose our right to bear arms because you grew up in fear.  Natural rights supercede your feelings.  Some people grew up with much greater fears.  Some kids are truly in danger.  Some kids are starving.  It sounds like you just had some irrational anxiety.  What did your therapist say?

As long as guns exist, I don’t have a chance of saving the world. I feel useless against daily tragedy, against assault rifles and bullets. Here is something humiliating: I am afraid to write all this. Some people love guns. I do not love guns. I wish fewer people owned guns. Often, I wish no one owned guns. I realize many people will disagree with me, and I do not want someone who loves guns to hurt me.

Millenials.  So typical.  You weren’t going to save the world in the first place! Gun lovers, like Your Obedient Servant, aren’t going to hurt you.  We’d likely protect you in the event that someone (who likely would have a gun despite the ineffective policies you’d probably like enacted) tried to hurt you.  You wouldn’t be so useless if you used your energy to “save the world” appropriately.


I am not a sociologist nor a law enforcement official nor a politician, a policymaker. This is my job. This, what I’m doing right now: putting words into sentences and putting those sentences into the world. I do not have answers. I do not know which kinds of guns should be allowed and what types of background checks are most effective.

It is clear that your knowledge of public policy is poor.  No gun law, background check, or banning a particular firearm will be efficacious.  People who wish to harm others, be it with a gun, knife, pen, or poison, aren’t concerned with what is legal.

It is impossible to talk about guns without talk about race, class, and gender.

Don’t make this issue something that it isn’t.  Gun owners are from every walk of life imaginable.  This is why we have natural rights.  Regardless of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation, we all just want to defend ourselves.  It’s that simple.

Your Obt. Svnt.,



Blame Totalitarianism, Not the NRA

In a poignant USA  TODAY editorial written by Chris Cox, who is the executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, the NRA debunks the myth that the group (and its five million members) have anything to do with terrorism.  We don’t.

Cox says:

“The National Rifle Association is not to blame. Neither is our Second Amendment freedom. An act of evil unfolded in California. President Obama used it not as a moment to inform or calm the American people; rather, he exploited it to push his gun control agenda. Policy discussions should be intellectually honest and based on facts, not politics. And the fact remains that California has already adoptedPresident Obama’s gun control wish list: “universal” background checks, registration, waiting periods, gun bans, magazine bans and an expansion of prohibited gun categories. But those laws did nothing to prevent this horrific crime from taking place. Nothing.

Obama’s policies seek to make Americans defenseless.  This is an administration that desires a scared, subjugated public.

Your Obt. Svnt.,

Ichabod Ω

Thought of the Day: Sorry To Upset You at Christmas

It’s Christmas.  Besides Super Bowl Sunday, the true holiday of morons, the Christmas season has a plethora of unique television advertisements.  Some are happy, some are cute, and some are nostalgic.  A few of them are downright depressing.  This commercial, from Germany, has jerked tears from the eyes of many people around the world.

FLASH! The holidays are a depressing time for many people.  For those of us fortunate enough to have loving families, it is the most wonderful (and eventful) time of year.  For those who have no family or loved ones, the Advent may be the loneliest time of the one’s existence.  This is a shame, but it is a reality.  It is especially upsetting to see the elderly  being ignored because their families are too busy for them.  Why is this?  Greed.  We’ve forgotten what the entire season is about – and it isn’t Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals. It isn’t about giving or receiving the most expensive material gifts.  The holidays are about sharing.  Sharing company.  Sharing meals, and sharing memories.  They aren’t for ignoring.

The video posted above is, unfortunately, a necessity.  It doesn’t highlight an American problem, or a German problem: it’s a Planet Earth problem. Christmas is the perfect time to solve it.

Your Obt. Svnt.,

Ichabod Ω

Another Mass Shooting That Gun Control Didn’t Stop

While the story is still developing, or being crafted by the anti-liberty, “let no good crisis go to waste” left, at least 14 people were tragically killed in San Bernardino, CA earlier today.  The victims were unarmed and in a gun-free zone.


California has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States.  Gun control did not stop ths shooting.  If there were no gun laws whatsoever, this gunman would have been stopped.  The blood is on the hands of the gun control advocates, not libertarians.


Too many weak-minded Americans are willing to compromise their natural rights for the illusion of security. I’m not giving up my Second Amendment rights – not under any circumstances.  

Molon Labe!

Your Obt. Svnt.,
