San Bernardino: Another Excuse to Deny Liberty

Another terrible tragedy has struck the United States.  While the true motives of Sayed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, are unknown, 14 people are dead.  Were they ISIS terrorists?   Disgruntled employees?  I don’t know.  What I do know is that they have struck fear into the hearts of millions of Americans, Your Obedient Servant not included.  I refuse to live in fear.  Fear is what people like Farook and Malik wanted. They also despise the rights that we share as humans – and the liberties we possess as Americans.

An increasing amount of Americans have turned to demanding the loss of liberty to provide a false sense of security.  Benjamin Franklin said:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Dr. Ron Paul, in his 3 December edition of The Ron Paul Liberty Report weighed in on this inappropriate reaction.


While most mainstream media has touted that the firearms used in the San Bernardino massacre were purchased legally (in a state with strict gun control laws), the Wall Street Journal has noted an important caveat: the weapons were illegally modified.  Of course, to anyone who is able to think clearly, this means that terrorists and other criminals will continue to circumvent the law to do evil.

See: Rifles Used in San Bernardino Shooting Illegal Under State Law

Surrendering liberty for security is a victory for terrorists.  Living in fear is a victory for terrorists.  They are also victories for any totalitarian politician who wishes to subjugate you.


Your Obt. Svnt.,

Ichabod Ω

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