Donald Trump: Hilarious GIF Rings True


Trust animals. They use their instincts better than humans.  This includes eagles, which are seen as the truest symbol of American liberty.  For some in the United States, the ideologies of Republican presidential front-runner, Donald Trump, are seen as a major threat to freedom.  Obviously, millions of others believe that he will restore America to greatness.

Many of Trump’s supporters fail to see that he’s an actor in political theater.  Most of his antics are just for entertainment. In a nation where people form their political opinions from internet memes while taking a break from watching rigged sports, it is not surprising that so many people latch on to anti-liberty views.  It is also difficult to believe that Donald Trump actually agrees with his own supposed views.  From threats to restrict the rights of Muslims to practice their faith to calling to “close down the internet,” Donald Trump has certainly made many libertarians cringe.



The rights to free speech and religion are God-given and are the true cornerstones of American liberty.  If Donald Trump truly wants to “make American great again,” he can start by promoting all forms of liberty for all people.  If he does not, he will surely be bitten by liberty herself. Donald, you’re flying where eagles dare; you’ve been officially warned.

Your Obt. Svnt.,

Ichabod Ω

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