Muslims Persecuted in American Armed Services

The death of religious freedom in America cannot be denied when the men and women of the US Armed Services are persecuted for their faiths.  While it may come as a shock to the average Trump supporter, there are faithful Muslims who have sworn their oaths to the US Constitution and serve in our military.  Due to the actions of an extreme minority of Islam’s followers, the loyalty of its adherents serving in our military ranks is being questioned.  It is an affront to Americanism to read things like this:

“We used to be a balanced people. We used to be true to our values, but now we’re willing to betray our values because of a sense of fear? That’s not American,” said Hadzic. “What the hell happened to that America I immigrated to?”


The Washington Post ran this story today: For Muslims in the U.S. military, a different U.S. than the one they swore to defend

Religious freedom is a right given by God, intended for all.  The United States used to honor that.  What the hell did happen to this nation?

Your Obt. Svnt.,

Ichabod Ω

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